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Individual Identity is Stronger than GroupThink

My main point of writing this article is to help others understand that “group think” or “group identity” is not nearly as strong as one’s own personal identity. The challenge lies in that personal identity takes a lot more work and effort to make happen. And most people nowadays just don’t want to work that hard at most things in life, let alone their personal identity.

GroupThink is actually Group Identity in disguise. The reality is that many will “fall in line” with just about anything as long as this so-called movement helps them feel better about themselves in some way, “strengthening” their perceived identity. One problem with this is that this “groupthink” approach has very little to do with actual thinking. GroupThink thrives off of emotion, not critical thinking.

Fear, pride, and even insecurity are primary emotional motivators of groupthink. So, groupthink involves very little critical thinking at all. Yet, a continuous tug on the emotions can motivate many to side with others who “feel” the same way they do. And this mass feeling approach becomes one’s misunderstood definition of identity.

Yet I firmly believe that the Individual Identity is far stronger and longer lasting than any other type or pursuit of one’s identity. Still the confusion remains as thousands, if not more, have given into the pressure of “groupthink” as their personal approach to personal growth in the name of identity formation. What a sad day it is when emotion leads the mind in the decision making process of one’s personal growth.

So, what to do with this information? First, avoid movements whose primary approach to your own personal identity development involves emotion at its core. This necessitates that you can observe each movement for what it is. If not, talk with another who can observe the circumstances objectively and whose opinion you trust. Second, stop allowing social media to be your source of emotional control. Remember, it’s not about emotion at the front. Emotion is a valued part of our growth, yet not the engine that should drive us forward. And third, set in motion a strategic approach to personal growth that involves an honest and ongoing assessment of where you are at personally along with attainable goals that allow you to wrestled and conquer life’s hurdles as they come along.

It would be my honor to come alongside of you if growing your personal identity during this season of your life needs a significant other right there with you. You can DM me on Instagram @thepowerofnext or reach out to my at and we can see if there is anything I can do for you. I consider it a privilege to be a part of any person’s Individual Identity Growth in whatever capacity I can.

Mike Bearden

Individual Identity is Stronger than GroupThink
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