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Growth Area

We a mostly physical beings and were designed to grow physically, preferably in a healthy manner. TC12 offers the opportunity to grow intellectually with us and/or with any of our resources/partners.

Featured Song

Music influences us like no other.
Check out our recent suggested music influencer.

Story Wins

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Real People… Real Stories of NOT staying stuck. These individuals grew through their life-challenge seasons of life and wanted to share their story on how it happened.

How Can We Pray For You?

Prayer is powerful and available 24-7. Let us know how we can pray for you or others.

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TC12 is an online/in-person MINISTRY PLATFORM that helps people discover what their IDENTITY in Christ looks like, equips believers with a simple yet transforming understanding of Discipleship, and empowers the individual to follow God’s leading in REACHING others for Christ (wherever that might be and however we can assist)

This is a KINGDOM GROWTH Mindset approach of being the church that prioritizes the REACHing out to others and RESOURCING everyone to grow as Christ grew in LUKE 2:52.

At TC12, we believe that the One who created you has full knowledge of how you can best grow as a person whom He loves and wants to watch grow. Luke 2:52 shares with us a Four Growth Area example that best describes a personal growth approach that aligns itself with balance and forward movement.

Intellectual Growth

We are created with minds and the ability to increase our intellectual capacity. TC12 offers the opportunity to grow intellectually with us and/or with any of our resources/partners. CLICK HERE to see what we have to offer you.

Physical Growth

We are mostly physical beings and were designed to grow physically, preferably in a healthy manner. TC12 offers the opportunity to grow physically with us and/or with any of our resources/partners. CLICK HERE to see what we have to offer you.

Spiritual Growth

Sometimes the most overlooked/ignored area of growth is our spirit. TC12 offers the opportunity to grow spiritually with us and/or with any of our resources/partners. CLICK HERE to see what we have to offer you.

Socio/Emotional Growth

We are social beings and grow best in the context of relationship. TC12 offers the opportunity to grow socio-emotionally with us and/or with any of our resources/partners. CLICK HERE to see what we have to offer you.

Partnering with others is vital for us to serve as many people as possible. We value our trusted “partners” and resources. But joining the efforts of existing individuals/organizations, we can maximize our reach and connect people with the right source to help them grow in their own unique way.


Our “ministries” are really what we like to call our REACH. These programs have been intentionally designed as opportunities to reach out and connect with anyone, any time. From personal growth programs to video production opportunities to confronting the reality of the evil/supernatural, TC12 maintains its priority of meeting people where they are at and not waiting for them to come to us. The best way to help others is to go to them.