Hiding from the Mirror
2020 was a year of deception. 2021 was year of consequence. So what about 2022? It’s time to take back the “real you.” So, how do I get back to the real me? Use the slogan, “The real you in ’22.” And the key to making this happen is to stop listening to everyone else and begin seeing yourself for who you really are. If you find yourself in a position of confusion or conflict with your personal identity, then this short article is for you. If you feel totally confident in who you are, then pass this article on to another who might need to hear it.
This isn’t another ‘how do you see yourself in the mirror or self-image’ message. Like the picture for this article reveals, people have chosen to just not even examine themselves honestly recently and have chosen to just survive. Emotional health is at an all-time low. So many just don’t even have the capacity to spend energy on improving themselves, let alone taking an honest look at who they are. Desiring to better one’s self is completely out of the question for many as well. Sounds a bit hopeless for so many. And others who can help are operating their lives just above empty and trying to stay strong for those immediately around them. Why not hide from the mirror and take the easy way out? Stop running away. Stop hiding behind the mirror. Slowly, begin peaking into the mirror, one inch at a time.
First steps will include a desire to move forward. If you don’t want to move ahead and discover the best in you, then don’t even pretend to do anything. If you are stuck in the societal deceptive atmosphere that 2020 so quickly created, then you need to acknowledge this fact before moving forward. The pressure of a little more than a year of confusion, fear, and lies weighed heavier on us than anyone could have expected. Recognize this reality and that it impacted you (perhaps more than you know).
Second, dust off that “mirror” that you’ve used your entire life that helped guide you into a healthy life focus and greet it again. Introduce or re-introduce yourself to that person or place that is willing to listen and just be there for you when you are ready. Stop and pause long enough to breathe while taking inventory of where you are at in life. Take a good long look at yourself. Admit to yourself in complete honesty what you see as you reflect upon the last year or two. Take pride in your victories over the struggles your encountered. Acknowledge the challenges you faced without success in overcoming those. See yourself for who you really are and ask yourself some hard questions. You don’t need the answers at this point of honesty. Talk with and/or to yourself about what you see.
Lastly, in order to fully move forward (even one step at a time) you will have to “man up” and be honest with yourself in the presence of one other person of accountability. As much as we would like to tackle our identity by ourselves, the reality is that we are better together. The best form of growth happens only in the context of relationship. If you are ready to take that step, I will commit myself (my time) to you in 2022. I could be rough. But I believe in you. I know you can and you most likely have succeeded in the past. No New Year’s resolution here. Just good old-fashioned honesty, accountability, and hard work. True mirrors reflect the real you. No lying, just an honest image of who you are and what you look like. Are you ready?