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Fiddler on the Roof’s iconic song “Sunrise… Sunset” is about how parents marvel at how quickly time passes as their children grow up and yet how the parents themselves often don’t feel much older when that time comes. Perhaps you’ve heard of the saying, “Don’t blink.” This refers to how quickly time flies by and that if you blink, you might miss completely enjoying watching children grow up. These lyrics remind me to never take for granted each sunrise and each sunset that I am so honored to experience each day. I personally try and slow my thoughts down each morning and each evening when these celestial moments occur, just to focus my heart and mind for the day to come and reflect on the day that passed. As I do this daily, it allows me to not miss those moments, so many of which come from watching your own kids grow up.

My wife and I find ourselves in that “pre” empty nest season of life. Not a complete empty nest, but we can see the nest emptying right around the corner. I watch others who have a few years on me and I learn from them on how to navigate each new seasons of life. During this season of my life, I am beginning to value even more the perspective that the “sunset” season of life brings. As I look back on this life I have been given, I treasure even more every breath I get every day as I am greeted with each sunrise. Every day brings with it a new beginning and the opportunity to participate in life to its fullest.

This New Year has moved me to grow my mind as well as my heart and share with this world what I might to others who might (for better or for worse) look at my life and wonder how he has chosen to encounter and deal with life as he does. One of my goals for 2022 is to begin stretching my small brain (and what intellect is left up there) and maximize my studies with Theology, philosophy, science and other main areas of study. I desire to do this so that I might calmly respond to others who are so “charged up emotionally” and help walk them “down off the ledge” with a response that engages both their minds and their hearts.

I have written about “The Power of the Pause” in a previous blog and wish to challenge you once again here at the beginning of 2022. How are you starting your day? How are you ending your day? Do you have children? If so, be intentional right now and decide for yourself how you want to approach each day. Make a plan of routine that begins and ends each day that will not only bring a healthier perspective to your day but also provide you with the focus you need to truly see and treasure each moment with others, your children included so that one day you don’t look back and say, “I blinked and I can’t remember.” All the Best in 2022.


Sunrise, Sunset… Don’t Blink
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