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Yeah, What if….? While I don’t personally put a lot of stock into “What ifs”, I do wonder what this world could be like if even just I myself spent more time praying each day than on social media. It’s true that the average person spends over two hours on social media a day to help satisfy their need for input/communication. Whether that is an email or our new Egyptian hieroglyphics called emojis, technology has consumed and identified our sense of self. Yes, tech has dominated and many times defined the personal life development of so many.

Now, let’s talk about prayer for a moment. If prayer is communicating with our Lord and its purpose is to hear the voice of the Creator of the universe, then why in the world are we spending more time defining ourselves from the world’s input than from the One who made us and designed us with a purpose? In this world of “complicated is better,” why don’t we simplify our needs and desires to the One who knows us better than ourselves. Why do we continue to struggle with identity, mental illness, and other issues of fear/anxiety when all God wants to do is talk? I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest that life might become a bit different if we can train/discipline ourselves (yes, it’s work) to listen and talk more to The One who matters most.

Oh, that’s right. What if I just refuse to believe in God? OK, that’s your choice. But the funny thing is, He’s still waiting 24-7 to talk with you. What if you could just sit down with Him for a moment at your favorite coffee place, a bar, the beach or wherever you frequent on a regular basis? And then you just begin to talk with Him and ask Him anything. What might you want to talk about? Would you share your fears, your anger, your sorrow, or even your excitement? How about on your drive to work? There is some great and often missed time to chat. How about replacing those driving moments with silent listening, interrupted only with your words to the Man upstairs Himself?

I could go on and on. But the fact still remains. More of our daily time is committed to electronic communication (much of which still does little for our personal growth) instead of humbling ourselves before the Creator of the Universe. So, what IF we prayed as often as we checked our social media? Reach out to me with any of your questions or comments.


What if we PRAYED as often as we checked our Social Media?
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