After reading a small devotion by Dr. David Jeremiah (April 2022), I was prompted to summarize a few reminders that I can struggle with when it comes to unconditionally loving others when they make it difficult to do so. I call the need for this love the Love Directive. Who told me I had to? Why do I have to? And how do I make sure it happens?
First, Jesus is WHO modeled true love for others. We love God, our neighbors, and our enemies because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19). Christ even said that I am to love my enemies (Matthew 5:45). By being Christ to the best of our ability (even to those who hate you), we are doing our best to live peaceably with all men (Romans 12:18). This love can reveal itself by doing good, blessing others with what we do have, pray for others, and expect nothing in return. Christ said it, modeled it, lived it, and expects nothing less from me.
Next, I get to do this. I don’t have to do this. It helps to have a good attitude about loving others. And, as always, to answer any WHY question you must look for the BECAUSE. Here’s why:
- Because Christ understood His Mission/Purpose
- -John 15:13 tells us that “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay downs one’s life for his friends.” The end game should be a purposeful approach to life that seeks to love others with everything you are and have.
- Because He Dropped In
- -Christ was Christ everywhere He went. So we too need to be Christ everywhere our life takes us
- Because He Listened
- -Jesus was able to ask the perfect questions at just the right time because He listened. Don’t just hear people, try and really listen to what they are saying and where they are coming from.
- Because He Looked Past the Exterior and Focused on the Heart
- -To look past the obvious (attitude, appearance etc) can be a challenge. Yet our eyes must look at others through the lense of our heart.
- Because He tried to Help
- -Christ was always available. Let others turn down your offer to help. But always offer.
- Because He Went on His Way with Quiet Grace
- -Leave a conversation or physical locality with grace if and when you are shunned or slammed verbally or physically.
Last but not least is the Micah 6:8, HOW TO…
The Lord provides us an example (road map) on how to accomplish the Love Directive; Act Justly, Love Mercy and Walk Humbly With God. Being a just, merciful, and humble person with others is not enough. These attributes must be present in your relationship with God. This can only happen when your daily approach to life maintains a proper perspective with God Himself. That’s where it all starts. If you want to have the correct Love Directive, then you must have a proper relationship with God Himself first. Only then can you truly model this love to others.