Why have I been fascinated so much with incredibly beautiful minerals all my life? Maybe it’s because the various locations of these beautiful pieces of art represent everywhere I would like to visit on this Earth. Maybe it’s because they are just stinking cool to look at. Maybe it’s just because since my cousin and I would hunt the neighborhoods like Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn when we were kids, we would throw, skip, and/or gather the sparkly ones.
For whatever reason, Walt and his team at Nevada Mineral and Book Company are not only incredibly knowledgeable about anything that has come from this earth but they are also the most polite and courteous group who will listen and treat you as if you are an incredible person (even when you really know little to nothing about minerals etc). Their humble approach to making you feel significant is what attracted me to them in the first place.
Yes, I love visiting Walt a few times each year. His life story is one worthy of rivalry of the very items he sells. These incredible specimens overcome pressure and time to become what they are today. And so has Walt. I won’t go into his life story, but it is one that I respect and love to vicariously live through a few hours at a time. Time and the pressures of ordinary life combined with periods of physically unwarranted challenges have formed Walt into the steadfast pillar of strength that he is today. His attitude of daily gratefulness has helped form his immovable character, allowing him to not only run his business effectively but also pass on this contagious sense of maintain the positive. He is what I would call, “A Rock Star,” (pun intended).
Your story too makes you a rock star. Nobody has lived your life. And you have so much to contribute and share with others. You have overcome so many things that life has thrown at you. I would love to hear your story sometime, and maybe; just maybe, help you share it with others. Stay Strong and Be Healthy!