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Recently, I have been exploring how I can come alongside of marriages (and even those who are thinking about getting married), knowing that marriages across the board are hurting. Yet, the biggest problem is that so many individuals in marriages go into “survival mode” where they either deny what is eating away at the marriage or are just too tired/overwhelmed to explore what to do about healing and strengthening their marriage.

The real question is, “Why don’t people work hard at their marriages?” When did couples choose to ignore the warning signs?  There are so many layers to these and other questions in every marriage. Every marriage is unique in and of its own. Yet, the truth remains that if you are not or no longer willing to work hard at a marriage, it’s fate is sealed. So, why not explore what working hard at your marriage might look like.

I have put together a list of resources which include the following areas/questions that I am willing to listen and walk alongside of you and your marriage if you so choose. Check out these following topics:

  1. Focus on Your Differences
  2. Explore what Love Is and Isn’t in your marriage right now
  3. What is Respect in Marriage?
  4. How to be Best Friends in Your Marriage
  5. Identify, Determine, and Set right Priorities for your Marriage
  6. What About Communication?
  7. Learn to Fight Fairly
  8. Learn to Forgive
  9. Being Thankful and Encouraging each other
  10. Are your Expectations Realistic?
  11. Better Understand the Difference between Happiness and Joy
  12. Learn How to Practice Patience
  13. Understand the Decay of Worry
  14. How to Grow Through the Hard Times
  15. Enjoying Romance
  16. Building Sexual Intimacy
  17. Avoiding Porn like the Plague
  18. Find Adventure and Make Memories
  19. Keep Dreaming Together
  20. Find a Good Mentoring Couple
  21. What Does Financial Responsibility look like for your marriage?
  22. Training Your Children
  23. Appreciate the Various Stages of Marriage
  24. Recovering from Marriage Disaster

If you were to choose the top five areas of focus from this list, which ones would you like to be able to learn more about and grow in your marriage? If and when you read this, I am willing to help you explore what this currently looks like in your marriage and walk the journey of growth as it uniquely relates to you and your marriage. If you are interested in this offer, email me via this site (the contact button on the bottom left of this page) and I will get back with you as soon as I can. In the meantime, if your marriage is healthy and strong, reach out and mentor another couple. We can always use the benefit of learning from one another on our life journeys.


Why Don’t People Work Hard at Marriages?
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