The saying “Iron Sharpens Iron” while true, is most likely considered offensive and even harmful nowadays. It’s too bad that an overwhelming number of people today do not see hard work and even tough friendships as a means of growing strong. And even the most avid of physical strength-building individuals might work diligently and hard while be easily offended emotionally because said something that offended them.
Remember the old saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” I those teen years one becomes “invincible” but reacts super emotionally when called a name. And to add to that, today there are many individuals who remain weak both physically and emotionally. The litmus test with these individuals is to watch and listen to their reactions. Most individuals who do not subscribe to the “iron sharpens iron” mode of living react when offended by yelling louder and throwing a larger fit than before. Just watch. You’ll see it. These same individuals will also reveal their true nature (if they have social media) by erasing/eliminating individuals who do not completely agree with them on almost every issue.
So, what’s the answer if “iron sharpens iron” is true? Can one pivot in life to accept this truth without being hurt? No. It’s called “Growing Pains” for a reason. Real-life growth involves pain. Sorry to burst your fluffy bubble. I don’t welcome pain. I don’t go looking for it. Life always seems to deal out enough pain (in one form or another) in every regular day. I’m not asking you to go out and look or even welcome pain into your life.
I guess I am hoping that individuals begin to put aside a desire to be comfortable (as the standard) and prioritize the reality that life involves pain. The strongest people I know (I wouldn’t say embrace pain and greet it with a smile) go through every life season with purpose, intention, and a willingness to endure the guaranteed rollercoaster of life. Life will throw you curveballs. Just when you think you have it all planned out, well, it happens. Another saying is, “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.”
Work on your mindset for growth. Expect that challenges will come and that you can navigate them with purpose and hope. Discover the intent for “Iron Sharpens Iron” in your life and what that might look like. Is it a person or a situation that is driving you nuts? I would even challenge you to find someone to walk life with you who doesn’t always agree with you, yet who pushes you to be a better version of yourself. By the way, this person should be someone who knows you and hopefully knows you well enough and knows when you’re lying or lazy. Stay strong my friend. Get sharp this year.