I would expand this quote to not only include the government leaders but also decision-making leaders in general. Yes, I had the privilege of attending a smaller/private school through eighth ...
Peter begins to sink after literally walking on water. Why? For those who have read the story in Matthew 14, we see that Peter takes his eyes off of Christ ...
After reading a small devotion by Dr. David Jeremiah (April 2022), I was prompted to summarize a few reminders that I can struggle with when it comes to unconditionally loving ...
Fiddler on the Roof’s iconic song “Sunrise… Sunset” is about how parents marvel at how quickly time passes as their children grow up and yet how the parents themselves often ...
Investments in the stock market can be a lot like investing in friends. My most recent discovery in true friendship has been shared with me over several years on one ...
The saying “Iron Sharpens Iron” while true, is most likely considered offensive and even harmful nowadays. It’s too bad that an overwhelming number of people today do not see hard ...
Hiding from the Mirror 2020 was a year of deception. 2021 was year of consequence. So what about 2022? It’s time to take back the “real you.” So, how do ...
Individual Identity is Stronger than GroupThink My main point of writing this article is to help others understand that “group think” or “group identity” is not nearly as strong as ...
When speaking and listening to others (regardless of their age), I discover that those individuals least willing to listen and/or discuss life issues (that means most things) usually have allowed ...
Recently, I have been exploring how I can come alongside of marriages (and even those who are thinking about getting married), knowing that marriages across the board are hurting. Yet, ...
Ever tried to manually pull out a weed from your grass or garden? If so, you’ve probably snapped off the root without getting to its entire core. Those of us ...
Why have I been fascinated so much with incredibly beautiful minerals all my life? Maybe it’s because the various locations of these beautiful pieces of art represent everywhere I would ...
The short answer is yes. Yet I will challenge the priorities of today’s local church. I feel that today’s local church focuses so much of its strength of spiritual growth ...
Looking at life objectively can often be a challenge, especially when you have “filters” that affect all of your perceptions of understanding. I am no different than you in that ...
Well, ok, it wasn’t a literal bar. It was more like a community center. Two of my dearest amigos from the Dominican Republic have taught me so many life lessons, ...
There’s a fine line between preparedness and obsession or panic. And yes, the pun in the title is intentional. Remember the panic rush on toilet paper? Stores could not keep ...
Generation TECH “aka – GenTech” No conspiracy theories here, just factual observations. We now have a generation (perhaps two) that have become defined by the very technological environment they live ...
Don’t Blame the Numbers, it’s not their fault. “Numbers don’t lie.” We’ve all heard this cliché before. If you haven’t, might be a good time to get some perspective on ...
Everyone lied to everyone. Decisionmakers circled the wagons again (in reference to 9/11) to protect their “establishment” instead of placing the true concern for others before their own interests. 2020 ...
EnJOY is a challenge that can become tougher and tougher as time goes by. For me personally, it’s time to be a little transparent. “En-Joy” can be interpreted to mean ...
“Power of the Pause” “You’ve been given TWO ears and One mouth for a reason.” “Give yourself a time-out.” “All things in moderation.” “Hey, let’s take a break.” “Take Five.” ...
WOW, have we not seen way too much of individuals and groups being way too loud with their opinions. All they seem to want to do is vent, never enter ...
I have good friends who have shared with me their life experiences that pertain to everything from near-death experiences to feelings of oppression and abduction. As I listen to them, ...